"Just before sunset on September 11, I drove up to the National Cathedral. From Beauvoir I could look down on all of Washington-- the Capitol, the monuments. The Pentagon itself was obscured by trees, but a huge plume of smoke rose up and hung over most of the view. Helicopters buzzed low over the city like dragonflies. Standing on this sweet, innocent ground--where little children learn and play with their friends--and looking out at the distant signs of horror, I could feel in my bones what I previously knew as an abstraction: that we live in a good and blessed place, but evil is never far away." -- Quote from a card placed in one of the glass towers of Stephen Rueckert’s sculpture, Voices of Nine-Eleven.
A time capsule of reflections, poetry, memories and artworks fill the steel and glass towers.

To Read more cards kept within "voices of Nine-Eleven"
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Photo Credit: I would like thank Greg Staley Photography for many of the fine shots on this page.